On an early afternoon in the beginning of September of 2017, Kaylie, a 10 year old girl from New Jersey sat quietly doing her homework. Just as she was almost finished, the tip of her pencil broke. As she went to go sharpen it, she noticed how small her pencil was getting. It barely reached the length of her finger.

When Kaylie grabbed a new pencil, she started to wonder if all kids around the world had pencils to write with, and thus, an idea was born. Kaylie, now realizing that not all children had access to school supplies, brought up the idea of collecting school supplies to her elementary school.

As she was a part of student council, the idea was well accepted. By the end of the school year, all of the kids at the school were made aware of the hardships of schools in poorer countries, and the charity prospered. Hundreds of pencils and notebooks were collected and sent out to underprivileged schools in Guatemala.

From the abundance of smiles from both the kids who received the donations and their parents, it was evident that everyone was happy to receive the school supplies. Since many of the families in these countries cannot afford pencils or notebooks, the donations were much needed and greatly appreciated. Help make a difference at www.kaylies.foundation.